Pumping Test Analysis

Pumping test analysis is a hydrogeological method used to assess the characteristics of an aquifer, including its hydraulic properties and behavior, by conducting controlled pumping or drawdown tests on a water well. The analysis involves monitoring changes in water levels over time as water is pumped from the well, providing insights into the aquifer's response to pumping and its ability to yield water.

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Aquifer Win32

Pumping Test Analysis

AquiferWin32 is for analysis and display of aquifer test results. It combines powerful data management capabilities with everything you would expect in a Windows program and displays an unlimited number of type curves for multiple-type curve techniques. AquiferWin32 is the most sophisticated and most Windows™ compliant application for the analysis and presentation of aquifer tests including pump tests, slug tests, step tests and analytic element flow and contaminant transport models.

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